Finding new ways to motivate your team can challenging. Here are 12 simple strategies that if practiced regularly will energize your team and create better and healthier workplace dynamics. We invite you to think about how you can apply these ideas into your day-to-day.
1. Praise Your Employees
Let your employees know that you recognize their work and their unique strengths. Be specific when you give them a compliment.
Our Suggestions
Alex, I really appreciate the way you handled that client conflict this week. Not a lot of people have the ability to calm others down, especially when they are upset.
Lauren, I’m impressed by how you negotiated the price down for the event venue we secured yesterday. Without you, we would have probably paid twice the price.
Jennifer, I really enjoy working with you because you always bring new ideas to the table that I otherwise would have never thought of.
2. Demonstrate Gratitude
Don’t be shy with your thank you’s. If you notice that someone has done something nice or something that they aren’t required to do, be sure to thank them and tell them why it was important.
Our Suggestions
Create a gratitude wall. Pick a wall in your department where you + your team write down things they appreciate about other people for everyone to see.
Write down 3 good things that happen each day, share them with others & encourage them to do the same.
Thank someone in an email for the good work they have done and make sure to copy the boss.
3. Spread Joy
Smiles, hugs, and high energy always lift people up! Be a source of happiness and you will see how others will gravitate towards you.
Our Suggestions
Give people genuine smiles when you walk past them.
As simple as it sounds, say good morning and have a nice night each day.
Ask your co-workers how they are doing and be genuinely interested in what they have to say.
4. Motivate Others
Have a quote that gets you up in the morning? A particular mantra that you live by? Post inspiring pictures, quotes, posters, manifestos, around the office.
Our Suggestions
If someone looks like they are having a bad day, send them a quick note saying that you believe in them!
Share reasons why the work you and your team do is important and meaningful.
5. Celebrate Successes
Research says that more positive things happen throughout the week than negative ones, it’s just that negative things sting more, making us think about them more often. Make a habit of acknowledging your wins, even the smallest ones.
Our Suggestions
Start staff meetings by having everyone share something positive that is going on in your group, team, project, work, etc.
Encourage people to focus on the positive things that happen everyday.
Create a Magic Jar & place it somewhere visible. Whenever something good happens, have people write a small note to place it in the jar. At the end of the week review magic moments with the team.
6. Communicate Clearly
A key component to creating workplace efficiency and energizing your team is to have an environment that fosters open and authentic communication that enables everyone to succeed. When the lines of communication are fluid, we reduce the frequency of misunderstandings and bottlenecks.
Our Suggestions
Be clear, simple, and direct when communicating expectations rather than assuming people understand and are on the same page as you.
Offer information, guidance, or advise that will enable members of your team to do their work more easily and efficiently .
At the start of each week, take 10-15 minutes to meet with your team to review goals, projects, progress made, and deadlines to assure that everyone is aware of what is expected of them and of each other.
7. Foster Positive Thinking
Practice finding alternative solutions to challenging obstacles, assume the best in people rather than the worst, and catch yourself when you are having negative thoughts by redirecting them.
Our Suggestions
Search for the positives in your day rather than revisiting what did not go right.
8. Change Your Emotional Responses
Work can be hard. Oftentimes people disagree with your decisions or ideas. Instead of reacting defensively, change your mindset. Be curious as to why someone doesn’t think like you do.
Our Suggestions
Think, how interesting when someone proposes an unconventional idea.
Ask, “Could you walk me through your thought process?” When you don’t understand someone’s point of view.
Take a couple deep breathes before you respond.
9. Move!
Sitting down all day, starring at a computer is terrible for your health. Try to move your body throughout the day, exercise, and drink water!
Our Suggestions
If you have a meeting with one or two people, make it a walking meeting. Ideas will flow better as well.
Every 90 minutes, stand up and move around the office and even do a couple squats near your desk. Find time to stretch. It might look weird but I promise your brain and body will thank you later.
Pick one day a week to replace your lunch hour with a workout session.
10. Play!
Don’t be afraid to play to unlock creativity.
Our Suggestions
Make jokes and encourage laughter.
Find workplace games to stimulate creative thinking.
Have Theme Days: hat Day, wild sock day, holiday themes, national themes, etc.
11. Practice Random Acts of Kindness
Do something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return.
Our Suggestions
Offer your help, even if it’s not required.
Bring a co-worker tea or coffee.
If you notice that someone is struggling or has a personal issue, don’t shrug it off. Offer them your time, resources, and let them know that you are there for them.
12. Unlock Meaning
Finding meaning and purpose in your job is a great way to stay positive and passionate about the work that you do. Remind your team that their job is important, how it is making an impact, and what makes makes each person indispensable to the organization.
Our Suggestions
Think about how you and your team add value to your organization and your clients.
Think about ways you can add meaning into your work. What are you passionate about? How can you bring that into your work.
Communicate to your team how their work directly impacts the success of the organization.
What are some ways in which you energize your team? Share with us your best strategies!
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